..i. DISCLAIMER & CREDITS. . .. this is a private & highly selective rp blog for ELLE WOODS from the novel LEGALLY BLONDE, but written as HEAVILY HEADCANON INSPIRED with a sprinkle of movie canon for good measure !

— i do not own the fictitious character known as elle woods, nor i am affiliated with actress josie totah, the legally blonde franchise ( novel & movies ), or 20th century studios.

ALL writing, headcanons, verses, icons, and creativity aka inspiration should not be taken from this blog to embellish your own muse. anyone who is caught stealing will be blocked without a second thought.

— after reading these rules, if you decide to follow, please fill out my mandatory interest checker as it helps keep things organized for me ! you can find it linked to the pinned post on my blog. this is only opened to mutuals, so don’t fill out the form if we’re not; however, if you’re waiting to see if i’ll follow back, just remember to fill it out afterwards if we become mutuals.

— all dash icons and graphics you see on this blog are made for me thanks to briar! highly recommend commissioning him for all your rpc needs. with that being said, all blog graphics ( promo, header, theme, post banners, dash icons & carrd ) are made by villainsrph, gif icon psd is a purchased pack from goodvibesrph, commissioned gif icons of josie totah for private use by rosiecommissions, blockquote temp is from plutocommissions, & icon border is from cavalierfou.


..iii. AGE RESTRICTIONS & NSFW CONTENT. . .. mun and muse are both of age, therefore this blog is exclusively for those above the age of nineteen ( 20+ only, no 18/19 year olds, please ).

— smut has never been something i’ve preferred writing or reading, but i don’t mind it and will not go against writing it with my partners. however, i will only write with muns i’m comfortable with. any written, detailed nsfw content will be tagged as nsfw cw & put under a read more ( or i will fade to black if my partner and i agreed to do so ). it’s also rare that i’ll reblog or post nsfw imagery, but in case of that happening it will be tagged as nsfw imagery.

..v. SELECTIVITY, NON EXCLUSIVITY, MAINS & DUPLICATES. . .. this is a mutually exclusive blog; therefore, i will only write with mutuals and mutuals alone.

— reblogging my promos is 100% okay but i ask that you don’t do so with my headcanons or threads unless it directly affects your muse or i state otherwise in the tags ( example: ok to rb / like ).

— i don’t take on exclusives. don’t take my means of not practicing exclusivity by ways of i care whether my partners do / don’t or that i’m replacing you. everyone has different ways of portraying a character and i don’t wish to limit myself to only one person who plays a certain character.

— i DO, however, practice having mains. meaning if you are my main you are someone who i write with frequently and will prioritize over other partners i have. if you wish to become my main, fill out my interest checker ! usually, i take about 3 to 4 mains of a character, but will still write with certain characters if slots are filled.

— while i appreciate duplicates and adore them, please don’t follow me as it makes me uncomfortable. if you’re a multi and we’re mutuals who have the same character, have something for me to blacklist that involves that specific character, please and thank you.

..vii. PLOTTING, FORMATTING, & GENERAL ROLEPLAYING. . ..i prefer to plot prior to having our characters interact on dash.

— please note that just because i’m crossover friendly, doesn’t mean i’m knowledgeable in every fandom there is. well thought out verses, in which i’m well acquainted with, have been placed on my blog for a reason because i’m confident enough to write in them. more fandoms may be put into the works in the future, and if you want our characters to interact, help me get to know your fandom so i may do my own research.

— my writing style and aesthetic heavily doesn’t reply on formatting my texts except for small and triple spaced out text with bold and italicized wording. if that’s something you can’t read, i’m more than willing to change it for you if you politely ask.

in regards to sending in sentence prompts/memes; they are only open to my mutuals exclusively and i will always transfer any prompts via text post so we can continue the thread more easily. you are more than 100% okay to turn my sent asks into threads as well.

— in regards to starter calls; if you’re a multi-muse blog, don’t simply like the post. i would rather you like and comment on which muse ( or muses ) you wish for elle to interact with.

— i use 50 px gif icons with a border. i don’t mind whether you use static or gif icons for your muse. if you don’t use either, i’m more than happy to not use mine for our threads to give them a clean look !

— use proper roleplay etiquette such as no god-modding, metagaming, etc. overall, just don’t be a dick.

don’t use me as meme source. if you see an ask meme you like, don’t reblog from me but from the source itself. the only exception is if the source blog deactivated.

— i also practice reblog karma but it doesn’t have to apply to me. if you reblog a meme from me but don’t send anything into me afterwards because it doesn’t fit our muses’ current dynamic, that’s okay. all i ask is that you don’t clog up my activity !

..ii. MUN. . .. — hiya, i go by rowyn ( pronounced as rowan, just different spelling ) & my preferred pronouns are she / they. [ . . . ] i’m 25, black & from est tmz.

some fun facts: huge lover of disney, plants, VILLAINS ( they’re my comfort characters lmao), high fantasy related shit, halloween, grogu aka baby yoda, my current hyperfixations ( ask me
about them if you want ), & dnd.

— using discord is preferred for plotting and/or getting in contact with me, but ims are always actively open if discord isn’t accessible. my discord is only reserved for my mutuals !

— i would like to make it known that i am a fulltime college student, and therefore, it will take the majority of my time as it is a priority. i also do have responsibilities outside of roleplay as well and with it comes the inevitable slow replies. meaning, in no way, is this blog fast paced. i can be pretty slow at writing out replies at times, but i do make sure to pop out my replies in an orderly fashion when necessary usually . please do not feel pressured to get your replies out quickly, either. however, that does not mean completely ghost me or drop our threads without a notice. if you wish to drop a thread, by all means, tell me because i will 100% understand. i will not bite or hold it against you !

..iv. UNFOLLOWING POLICY . .. generally, i never hardblock anyone unless it’s a necessary circumstance. mainly if i unfollow someone, it’s due to softblocking them. if i softblock you for any reason, please do not refollow or harass me as to why i did it. i’m within my right to follow and unfollow whomever i want for whatever reason, and i don’t need to be guilted into making my own decisions.

— this is a drama free zone ( unless it’s in character, then i therefore embrace it ) and meant to be a fun, safe space for everyone. i don’t tolerate any kind of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or general hate speech. if you’re spouting shit like that, do better & grow up. seriously. this is considered a major rule for me and if anyone breaks it they will be hardblocked, no exceptions.

i will not follow back everyone who follows me. for me, following so many people at once tends to clutter up the dash and as a personal preference, i rather keep a neat and clean dash for my interactions. please don’t take it personally if i don’t follow back, because in the end i have nothing against you, your blog, or your character.

— this is a huge psa for me, so please read carefully : if you are a blog with dash only viewability and you don’t have your rules / about / verses or whatever visible for me to read them somewhere, i will politely softblock you. i say that because there is really no point in me rp’ing with you and your character if i cannot read whatever it is prior to knowing what you expect from me.

— i’m also not sideblog friendly UNLESS our characters are interacting from the main account in which we follow each other from. nothing against secondary blogs, it’s just a personal preference as it confuses me when we interact.

some reasons why you may have been softblocked, but not limited these alone: inactive blog without a notice, vague posting, no interactions between us, being rude or hateful on the dash, participated in callout/drama culture ( unless it’s for a necessary reason ), personal blog, non-proper roleplay etiquette, etc.

..vi. TRIGGERS. . .. given that my portrayal of elle is heavily headcanon influenced, various triggers will be present on this blog. some include, but not limited to: ABUSE ( PHYSICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, VERBAL ), DEATH, ALCOHOL & DRUG USAGE, FAMILIAL ISSUES ( PARENTAL NEGLIGENCE ), MENTAL DISORDERS ( DEPRESSION & C-PTSD ).

— triggers will be tagged accordingly as: [trigger] / ( example: abuse / )

— please tag all CLOWN & DOLL IMAGERY accordingly. harley quinn and joker muses are okay though, but please still tag any kind of horror clown content !

— if you have anything specific you wish for me to tag, please let me know as i keep a tracked list of all of my triggering tags for me to use as a guide.

..viii. SHIPPING POLICY. . .. i’m very multi-ship and pre-established relationships of any kind are one of my favorite things about the rpc world, but it needs to be plotted out beforehand.

— shipping is super fun, but don’t force a ship on me because that will be one of the few times you’ll be hardblocked. elle x chemistry is always my go to to be honest. but if you want to talk about any kind of romantic connection between our muses, please feel free to message me about it anytime !

..xi. DO NOT INTERACT. . .. if you use these fcs: amber heard, johnny depp, armie hammer, bella & gigi hadid, bella throne, anyone from bts ( kpop group ), camila cabello, chris pratt, sprouse twins, jeremy renner, emma roberts, gina rodriguez, evan peters, gal gadot, ian somerhalder, jared leto, kardashian/jenners, kj apa, blake jenner, justin bieber, jared padalecki, nina dobrev, paul wesley, ezra miller, gina carano, rosario dawson. ( this will be updated periodically whenever i come across an issue or informed ).

if you’re in these fandoms: supernatural (the series), anything from the IT movies/books, any kind of anime ( not to be mistaken for animation ), annabelle movies

• for multis: if you have verses in any of these fandoms above, but we are exclusively partners in a different fandom verse, please let me know what i need to blacklist in order for me to not see those specific fandoms on the dash. otherwise, you may be softblocked.

..ix. META/HEADCANONS ABOUT ELLE. . .. tw for mentions of abuse, mental health

— more in depth info is coming soon but everything you need to know basically is in her dossier and headcanons tabs. however, below you will find some important info to keep in mind for my portrayal:

elle is a trans woman :)

don’t assume your muse knows elle is trans unless we have discussed during plotting.

elle is open and upfront about her gender identity & sexual orientation.

her sexual and romantic orientations are pansexual panromantic.

her pronouns are she/her in all verses, please respect this as it’s not up for debate.

she’s a woman of color; she’s half palestinian and half lebanese in ALL verses.

elle suffers with c-ptsd from her time living in horribly abusive foster homes ( you can read
all about her c-ptsd in the headcanons tab on my carrd ).

she only knows of her birth mother’s name from her birth certificate but couldn’t find any inf
o on her whereabouts. her birth father’s name wasn’t on the certificate, so she never knew ho
w to find him either.

she was told by her abusive foster mom that she was born out of a one night stand and was taken in by her ‘unwillingly did it nevertheless’ when she was born.

elle was in and out of foster homes where she was psychologically, emotionally, mentally, verbally and physically abused by her foster parents and other foster kids, especially the older children. she’s been in and out of homes until she was about eleven when she was adopted into the woods family.

she grew up in calabasas instead of bel air.

when she was twelve, she came out as trans to her parents and on her fourteenth birthday, she legally changed her name to elle after being so obsessed with the magazine for many years, but also loved how pretty it looked in her handwriting.

she joined her delta nu sorority during her freshman year at ucla and became the president by her senior year.

in the book she majored in sociopolitical jewelry design instead of fashion merchandising and
that’s in my canon.

in the book, she actually goes to stanford law rather than harvard law and i’m going to be putting that little fact in my canon.

my elle didn’t apply to stanford to get warner back after he dumped her. in fact, she thought about the possibility of that, but after a week of self-care and a lot of love from her sorority sisters, she realized warner wasn’t worth the heartbreak and was nothing but an uppity snob. she actually applied to prove to everyone, especially warner, that she was more than just who they believed she was out to be.

CHARACTER NAME. url, relationship type.

CHARACTER NAME. url, relationship type.

CHARACTER NAME. url, relationship type.

CHARACTER NAME. url, relationship type.

ELLE'S C-PTSD EXPLAINED. complex post-traumatic stress disorder is a result of an ongoing traumatic situation such as child abuse, neglect, or violence. she lived in many foster homes where she was treated as nothing more than a meal ticket and a caretaker for the younger children when her foster parents were lying drunk somewhere. they would physically abuse her as well. elle is prone to spacing out when she has random flashbacks to the terrors of her previous life. like so many with ptsd and c-ptsd, she dissociates from her current situation when triggered by things that seem unimportant or trivial. elle’s amazing story telling, and vivid imagination suddenly take on new meaning when she usually explains to people, “imagination is better than remembering reality.” elle, when she was much younger, also struggled with the taunts of other children in her neighborhood and school (again, triggering traumatic memories from her life at her foster homes) and their parents as they judged her for her unknown origins and strange behaviors. she didn’t feel accepted and welcomed by her peers, and after being tormented at school, elle fell into a major depression which included flashbacks to her tortured past when she experienced similar situations.

INFO. coming soon.

INFO. coming soon.